Save America's Forests
What is the Act to Save America's Forests?
The Act to Save America's Forests is a bill in the United States Congress.
The Act to Save America's Forests is the largest, most comprehensive forest protection and restoration legislation ever considered by the U.S. House of Representatives and the U.S. Senate.
The main section of the bill primarily affects how the U.S. Forest Service manages the 190 million acres of our national forest system. It will stop the U.S. Forest Service from using destructive forms of logging, such as clearcutting, and will prevent the Forest Service from logging ecologically important forest areas such as Ancient forests and roadless forests.
The Act to Save America's Forests will:
1. Stop clearcutting in our national forests
2. Require the Forest Service to protect and restore the biological diversity of the natural forest ecosystems in our national forests
3. Prevent logging in the last Ancient and roadless forests throughout our national forest system
4. Transfer the Giant Sequoia National Monument to the National Park Service
5. Require the National Park Service to undertake a comprehensive national study for potential new national parks